Post #6 Response to Technology Presentation
In class, we worked on a group project called an EOTO which stands for Each One Teach One. We all got to pick a piece of significant technology that had developed over the years and give a presentation on their history, impact, and how it it used today. So now that I have completed this assignment as a presenter I now get to look and this project from the other perspective as a spectator and comment on what I have learned, specifically on a technology that stood out to me and that would have to be the radio. Last semester I took a class called electronic media history and development in which we talked about technology types that effected media and a large part of that started with the radio. It was interesting to see some of the information I retained and recognized such as in 1890 Guglielmo Marconi is credited with the creation of radio and was dubbed the “father of wireless telegraphy.” I also remembered from my classmate’s presentation that the radio originated for the creation of the telegraph. A new fact that I learned from the in class presentation was that in 1943 Nikola Tesla was recognized as the first person with a radio technology patent because the U.S. Supreme overturned Marconi patent. I also love how this person expanded on the impact the radio had on the world such as how the production of vaudeville shows, sports entertainment, learning courses, and more came to life through this creation of technology. The radio became so important for the masses because that is how they got their information, they didn’t have phones attached to their hip like we do now to find any and all information about anything in the world. Families in the late 1800s early 1900s would crowd around the radio waiting on the news hour to hear all the latest information going on in the world. Radio eventually became a technology used world wide appearing in homes, cars, and even ships at sea where they would use the radio to communicate with the main land. What I learned that with the advancement of radio, it became available to everyone and that even included Adolf Hitler. One negative effect of the radio was the Hitler used the radio to his advantage; spreading political beliefs leading up to WWII as well as durning war for correspondence with his troops. Overall, the radio was and still is such an impactful, useful, and influential piece of technology of yesterday as well as today that I believe will continue to grow and be beneficial in the coming years.
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